Haile Selassie High School Mural Project

The project commenced on Wednesday, January 5th and came to a close on Saturday, January 15th. Lindz and Lamb have collaborated with both local and international artists — in not only creating the murals but also making themselves available to students and staff for mentorship. Jamaican Artists - Eye Dealist, Jude Issa, Taj Tenfold, Vector Papi, Jordan Harrison, Taoszen, and Yanque Yip Art. International Artists - Lindz and Lamb, Just Created It and Klonism, latter is in an effort to facilitate additional programming geared towards exchanging knowledge and skill from the artists to the youth. In addition to partnering with the artists, Lindz and Lamb have also partnered with EdgeChem and Issa Construction for paint and supplies.

Haile Selassie High School staff have expressed their gratitude at the project and attests to its positive impact on not just the students but also the community. “It has certainly lifted the spirit of the staff,” Sherene Moore, School Bursar said. “It has enhanced the school and built the morale of the staff, student body and community by large. We look forward to doing even more wonderful things together as our children will benefit from the exposure to the wealth of artistic knowledge, now at their disposal.”